Expert workshop on Highly Efficient and Clean Wood Log Stoves

29. October 2015
RAMADA Hotel Berlin-Alexanderplatz
Berlin, DE

Experts from IEA Bioenergy task 32 (Biomass Combustion and Cofiring), in collaboration with various national and European branche organisations have jointly organized an expert workshop on ways to introduce efficient and clean wood log stoves.

Content Description

Fireplaces and woodlog stoves that burn wood in a suboptimal manner are an important source of particle emissions in Europe. By phasing out polluting woodstoves and introducing better stoves, better stove installations and educating stove users, large emission reductions can be achieved.

The present workshop, which will be held on 29th of October in Berlin, will cover the topics framework conditions, emissions, stove integration as well as new stove developments.


  • 09:30 Registration, Coffee

  • 10:00 Welcome / Introduction

Framework conditions and stove integration

  • 10:10 Market development and perspectives
    Frank Kienle, HKI, Germany
  • 10:40 Black carbon emissions from wood stoves
    Dr. Morten Seljeskog SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
  • 11:00 Real life stove testing for European label development - The BeReal-project
    Dr. Christoph Schmidl, BE2020, Austria

Stove development I

  • 11:30 Guidelines and relevant issues for stove development
    Prof. Dr. Ingwald Obernberger, BIOS Bioenergiesysteme GmbH, Austria
  • 12:00 Wood stoves for future's energy efficient buildings
    Prof. Laurent Georges, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
  • 12:30 Lunch

Stove development II

  • 13:15 CFD as an efficient design tool for log wood stoves
    Dr. Øyvind Skreiberg, SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
  • 13:35 Transient CFD simulation of log wood stoves
    Dr. Martina Blank, BIOS Bioenergiesysteme GmbH, Austria
  • 13:55 Advanced combustion control for a log wood stove
    Dr. Jytte Illerup, DTU, Denmark
  • 14:20 Emission abatement using integrated catalysts in log wood stoves
    Dr. Ingo Hartmann, DBFZ, Germany
  • 14:45 Performance of foam ceramic elements in log wood stoves
    Dr. Hans Hartmann, TFZ, Germany
  • 15:05 Coffee break
  • 15:20 Round table discussion
  • 16:00 End of Workshop

Participant Information

The workshop takes place immediately after the IEA Bioenergy Conference, 27-28 October at the same location.

Participation in the expert workshop is free of charge, but as seats are limited, you need to have registered in advance. Please fill in this form to register.

Contact Address

Jaap Koppejan (Task Leader)
Procede Biomass BV
PO Box 328, 7500 AH Enschede, Niederlande
Tel.: +31 (53) 71125 19

Ingwald Obernberger (österr. Task-Delegierter)
Inffeldg. 21b
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 (316) 481300